Author Archives: creative

Forex Why I Use An Empty Chart

I am one of the few traders who doesn’t use any type of technical indicators. I trade using a raw candle stick chart with nothing on it. I don’t even use moving averages. How did I come to trade like this? I came to trade like this after losing my money over an over again. The methods that called for using these indicators didn’t work for me and it didn’t fit the way I think and trade. I find that those lagging indicators just get in the […]

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How To Trade On Forex

You have probably heard about Forex trading but do you actually know how this platform works? Forex trading is relatively easy and anyone who is properly motivated can become a trader. Go over the following article to learn more about Forex trading. Investing on the Forex market right away is a mistake. You need to do a lot of research on Forex trading first and fully understand how this market functions. Do not hesitate to spend a few months reading books or taking online classes on Forex […]

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Who Is Involved In Forex?

There are in excess of one hundred different official currencies globally. Most international trades and payments use the U.S. dollar, Euro or Yen and there are several players in this market. Currency trades can be done via spot transactions, swaps, option contracts and forwards. Central Banks The central banks form a very important part of the foreign exchange market. Interest rate policies and open market operations of the central banks play a huge role in currency rates. Central banks make decisions regarding the regime that will be […]

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What Is Forex?

With the crazy markets of today it is very important for investors to diversify and keep their eyes open to new markets. One of the biggest markets right now is forex. What is forex? it stands for FOR-eign EX-change. It is basically the trading of one currency to another. Many large corporations and even countries simply need to exchange their local currency for another in order to do business. For example most countries must pay for their oil with us dollars, which means they need to exchange […]

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Forex Trading Tips To Help You Get Started

Have you ever thought about becoming a Forex trader? You could become a successful trader as long as you are ready to work hard and educate yourself about Forex. Go over the following article to learn more about Forex trading and the efficient strategies you can use to get started. The best way to become a successful Forex trader is to educate yourself about efficient trading strategies. You can easily learn everything you know about Forex thanks to the Internet. Purchasing educational material is a good option […]

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What Every Forex Scalper Must Know

Scalping is one of the most entertaining forms of trading. You can make several hundred and even thousand dollars in a few minutes but you can also lose that same amount of money within seconds. This seat of the pants roller coaster style of trading attracts many traders, mostly new traders. It is easily to get sucked in, especially if you have some early success, but remember failure is right around the corner. Everyone who has had some immediate success with scalping has always had several days […]

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The Basics of Forex Software

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a Forex trader for a long time, or are just beginning your journey, you’re likely look for both knowledge and possibly software to help you profit. To find the best Forex trading software, ask around. You might have associates, family or business partners who use specific software in Forex trading, ask them about their knowledge and what they like and dislike about it. Second, shop around. The internet is packed with resources regarding the topic and each site you visit or […]

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Forex Tips For Beginners

Are you thinking about getting started with Forex trading? There are a few things you should know before investing on the Forex market. Take a few minutes to review the following article for some useful information on Forex. Do not spend anything on Forex until you have spent at least a few months educating yourself about trading. Becoming a successful trader takes many years of practice and you will eventually get there if you start by learning as much as possible about Forex. You could for instance […]

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Getting Started With Forex Trading

Anyone who is interested in learning how to trade successfully in the forex market will find that there are a number of ways to get started. A number of people will take the opportunity to search for information about forex, learn more on how it works and then sign up for a live trading account. However, it is important that you fully consider all of your options before signing up. Knowing where to get started will help you to weed out any of the scams and lead […]

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Tips For Entering The Forex World

Forex may seem to be complicated, however, it really is quite simple. Yes it does take some time to get a feel for and to get used to, but once you are acclimated it is really user friendly. It is important to remember that you need stamina in order to continue making quality decisions for long lengths of time. True, forex isn’t a physical job, however, it takes a lot out of you mentally and emotionally, just like a physically demanding job you need to build up […]

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